Dancing through life, the final 31 days of 2020. —Day 18, 19—
Friday December 18th was my birthday. I want to thank all of you who sent me texts, fb messages, beautiful videos, Marco polos, shout out IG stories, messages and pictures on my fb wall, emails, etc. I feel so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life and I look forward to us all writing more of our stories together.
My top choice would have been to have an in person gathering, for obvious reasons I opted for safety first. I would have loved to have a virtual gathering and invite everyone but I’m pretty zoomed/virtualed out this year. I think many of us are. So here is my birthday wish. This has been a year of change, a year of uncomfortableness, it has brought some people closer together, it has brought some people further away. However the year has gone for you, I hope each of us digs deep inside to nurture and grow the change as a caterpillar turns to a butterfly.
As we all become butterflies we embrace community awareness, simple kindness, acknowledgement, empathy, understanding, openness to a culture/people/difference than what you are, unpacking your privileges, fairness and a common courtesy and appreciation. While we become butterflies, do not forget where you come from, your roots, your ancestors, your history and everything that they have been fighting for. If we forget history then we risk history repeating itself and that cannot happen.
My birthday wish is for everyone to go beyond themselves to be their best human self so we get one step closer to peace, harmony, bridging bridges and understanding, accessibility, civil rights, freedom and equity across the world. I’m always actively working on myself and these goals.
Stop judging, start listening with more than just your eyes and your ears. Listen with your heart. Let’s change the world together.
ID: [Picture of Zahna wearing a green leggings, black jacket, white mask, blue sneakers with her hair down on a narrow brown trail in the middle of a green forest. She’s standing on her right leg profile view, other leg in parallel attitude with her arms in second palm up. She looks straight at the camera.]