I'm tired. I'm tired of people taking the time to hate instead of love, judge instead of understand, defend instead of listen, shut you out because of pride...I'm tired of how some organizations won't support their local artists or local Deaf people but will support people from far away, im tired of how people get angry instead of admitting fault and apologizing, I'm tired of people choosing selective community, support should be universal given to everyone from your backyard to outer space. I'm tired of seeing audism on a daily basis, I'm tired of seeing racism on a daily basis-- I'm tired of how easy it is for me to be considered or respected as the head of an organization as a white person when it is really the African American Deaf Man who is the director or alternatively being talked down to as a blonde woman as if I have no experience or am not smart. I'm tired of people making decisions or assumptions without trying to see from a different perspective. I'm tired of people telling me/you what to do or their opinion instead of asking--how can I help/support? Most of all I'm tired for all minority groups victims of oppression who have to fight everyday. I'm here to support you tirelessly.